Spicy Thai Peanut Sauce

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  1. 1/4 c orange juice
  2. 1/8 c Chinese plum sauce
  3. 1/8 c creamy peanut butter
  4. 1/2 T red bell pepper, finely chopped
  5. 1/2 T green bell pepper, finley chopped
  6. 1/2 T soy sauce, reduced sodium
  7. 1/2 T balsamic vinegar
  8. 1/2 T lemon juice
  9. 1/2 T dry mustard
  10. 1/2 T ginger
  11. 1/2 t sugar
  12. 1/4 t kosher salt
  13. 1/4 c peanut oil
  14. 1 t sesame oil


  1. Combine the orange juice, plum sauce, peanut butter, bell peppers, soy sauce, vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, ginger, sugar, and salt in a food processor and process until smooth.
  2. Add the peanut oil and sesame oil gradually, processing constantly until blended.
Serves: 1 1/4 cups
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Course: Condiment/Sauce
Type of Food: Condiment/Sauce,Vegetarian
Ethnicity/Origin: Thai,Asian
Key Ingredient: Peanut Butter,Juice,Bell Peppers,Soy Sauce,Lemons
Difficulty: 1 - Easy
Make Ahead: Yes
Themes/Holidays: Fondue

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