Chocolate Icing

#555       Comment on this recipe.

Source: My Mother - Bub, Stephanie


    This is the icing recipe that my mother used to make. It is very creamy and not too sugary! It is delicous!

    It makes enough to frost 12 large cupcakes.

    Dudt's Bakery used a similar recipe, with the following proportions: 1 c milk, 3 T flour, 1/2 c Crisco, 1/2 c butter, 1 c sugar, 1 t vanilla.


  1. 1/2 c milk
  2. 3 T flour
  3. 1/4 c solid Crisco shortening
  4. 1/4 c butter, softened
  5. 1/2 c sugar
  6. 1 t vanilla
  7. 1 oz unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled


  1. In small saucepan, cook milk and flour together, until it forms a paste; set aside to cool.
  2. In medium bowl, beat Crisco and butter, until fluffy.
  3. Add sugar, chocolate, and vanilla, beat at high speed for 2 minutes.
  4. Add cooled flour mixture, beat at high speed . until sugar dissolves, approximately 5 minutes.

Picture of Recipe

Chocolate Icing - Picture of Recipe
Chocolate Icing - Picture of Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Course: Dessert
Type of Food: Vegetarian,Cake,Cupcake,Frosting/Icing
Difficulty: 2 - Medium
Make Ahead: Yes
Prep Method: Stovetop,Electric Mixer

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