Blueberry Mojitos for a Crowd

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  1. 35 fresh mint leaves, very roughly chopped
  2. 1/3 to 1/2 c Simple Syrup
  3. 3 limes, quartered
  4. 40 ripe blueberries
  5. 3/4 to 1 c white rum
  6. 4 c soda water
  7. ice


  1. In a large pitcher, combine mint leaves and simple syrup and muddle well until oils are released and fragrant.
  2. Add limes and muddle until juiced.
  3. In a small bowl, muddle blueberries separately until mashed.
  4. Add blueberries to pitcher, then add white rum.
  5. Stir to combine, and add soda water.
  6. Add additional simple syrup for extra sweetness, if desired.
  7. Serve over ice.

Picture of Recipe

Blueberry Mojitos for a Crowd - Picture of Recipe
Serves: 6
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Course: Beverage
Type of Food: Beverage - Alcoholic,Vegetarian
Ethnicity/Origin: Cuban
Key Ingredient: Fruit,Mint
Difficulty: 1 - Easy
Make Ahead: No
Themes/Holidays: Easter,Picnic,Tea Party

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