Cannoli Dip

#506       Comment on this recipe.


    This is an easy and delicous dessert. Consider decreasing the amount of cream, to make sure that the dip does not become to runny.


  1. 1 c whole-milk rocotta
  2. 1/4 c powdered sugar, plus more for serving
  3. 1-2 T heavy cream or milk
  4. 1/4 t vanilla extract
  5. 1/4 t almont extract
  6. mini chocolate chips
  7. 3-4 large waffle cones, broken into pieces


  1. In food processor, combine the ricotta, powdered sugar, vanilla , and almond extract.
  2. Puree until light and fluffy, about 15 seconds.
  3. Add 1-2 T heavy cream or milk, gradually until desired consistency.
  4. Scrape the mixture into a serving bowl; top with mini chocolate chips and extra powdered sugar.
  5. Serve with the waffle cone chips.

Picture of Recipe

Cannoli Dip - Picture of Recipe
Serves: 2-4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Course: Dessert
Type of Food: Dip,Vegetarian
Ethnicity/Origin: Italian
Key Ingredient: Ricotta Chesse
Difficulty: 1 - Easy
Make Ahead: Yes
Prep Method: Food Processor

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