Pimm's Cup

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    This is Queen Elizabeth's favorite drink!



  1. 1 1/4 oz Pimm's No. 1
  2. 3 oz lemonade
  3. 7 Up or club soda
  4. cucumber slices for garnish
  5. crushed ice
  6. Batch (about 1.5 gallons)

  7. 1 (750 ml) bottle Pimm's No. 1
  8. 2 (59 oz) bottles Lemonade
  9. 1 (34 oz) bottle Club Soda
  10. 1 lemon sliced
  11. 1 orange sliced
  12. cucumber slices for garnish
  13. crushed ice for serving



  1. Fill a collins glass (about 12 oz glass) with ice.
  2. Add Pimm's and lemonade, then top off with Seven Up.
  3. Garnish with a cucumber slice.
  4. Batch

  5. Fill a drink dispenser with Pimm's, lemonade, lemon, and orange, stir to combine.
  6. Pour in club soda before serving. Stir gently.
  7. Serve by the glass with crushed ice and cucumber garnish.

Picture of Recipe

Pimm's Cup - Picture of Recipe
Pimm's Cup - Picture of Recipe
Serves: 1 drink
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Course: Beverage
Type of Food: Beverage - Alcoholic,Vegetarian,Vegan
Ethnicity/Origin: British,Cajun/New Orleans
Key Ingredient: Pimm's No. 1,Cucumbers
Difficulty: 1 - Easy
Make Ahead: Yes
Themes/Holidays: Mardi Gras,Large Party

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